Green Growth Water Summit Tri-Logo

As part of its continued focus on the water sector and ways to regionalize the growing water cluster, the Alliance Green Growth working team in collaboration with Alliance partner Loyola University will hold a Water Summit for regional water technology companies in November.
Please join us on:

Monday, November 24, 2014
3:00 pm Doors Open
3:30 Panel Begins
Reception to Follow

Loyola University Chicago Water Tower Campus
111 East Pearson Street, Beane Hall,  Chicago, IL
Validation for discounted parking available

Space is limited, RSVP to

The program will include information about the strengths of the water tech companies in the region, the gains made by The Water Council organized in Milwaukee, the opportunity to make connections with other Water Tech firms and leaders, as well the as opportunities that working together can provide to help expand business, find talent, and speed technology development.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Kirk Allen, President and CEO, Sloan Valve Company
  • Dean Amhaus, President and CEO, The Water Council
  • John Dickert, Mayor, Racine, Wisconsin and President, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
  • Jeff Malehorn, President & CEO, World Business Chicago
  • Dr. Jose A. Ramirez, Founder, Mikroflot Technologies
  • Dr. Seth Snyder, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Nancy C. Tuchman, Professor & Founding Director of the Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Loyola University
  • Sammis White, Interim Dean and Director of Workforce Development—School of Continuing Education, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Sammis_WhiteThe Alliance would like to thank Dr. Sammis White, Interim Dean and Director of Workforce Development—School of Continuing Education, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and his team of graduate student researchers for creating the first-ever comprehensive list from NAICS codes to identify water technology companies.

This list of tri-state water technology companies will be used as a basis for Water Summit invitations.

In addition to Dr. White, thank you to the following student researchers:


UWM Students 1

Elizabeth Adler, Julee Mitchell, Kristian Vaughn, Ben Gilbertson

UWM Students 2

Jacon Jordan, MacKenzie Walters, Christopher Hillard, Joe Stefanich

UWM Students 3

David Johnson, Efrain Cano, Rebekah Baum, Wesley Brice

UWM Students 4


Andrew Falkenburg, Michael Hammond, Hannah Mog, Lu Zhu

UWM Students 5

Alex Morganroth, Kayla Reithmeyer, Ryan Guetschow, Andrew Haug

Alliance Green Growth Team to Hold Regional Water Summit at Loyola University Chicago Water Tower Campus on November 24